Kesar Peda

Kesar Peda

Indian sweets are some of the world's most favorite desserts. Try this Kesar Peda recipe for a quick dessert at home!

  • Prep Time10 min
  • Cook Time15 min
  • Total Time25 min
  • Cuisine
    • Indian
  • Course
    • Dessert
  • Suitable for diet
    • Vegetarian


Kesar Peda

  • 1 Cup Milk Powder + 2 Tsp
  • 1 Cup Condensed Milk
  • 1/2 Tsp of Cardamom
  • 2 Tsp of Ghee
  • A good fat pinch of Saffron dissolved in 2 Tsp of Warm Milk
  • Extra Ghee for greasing your palms



Melt your ghee in a wide pan.


Add in condensed milk and milk powder to the pan and constantly stir over medium heat. Break any lumps that form, otherwise your peda might not have a smooth finish.


Continue to stir the mixture on medium heat for 8-10 minutes.


Add the saffron infused milk and cardamom powder. The mixture will seem like it’s falling apart, but it will come back together with a few extra minutes of stirring over the heat.


Check if the mixture is sticky by pinching a small ball on top. If the mixture is sticky, continue to stir and cook for 2 minutes.


Remove the pan of the flame. Move the mixture to another plate to allow it to cool down faster.


Grease your palm with ghee, pinch a small portion from the mixture and roll it into a peda shape. Press with your thumb to give a little indentation to your peda.


Garnish with almonds, pistachio, and saffron.

*Picture taken from